iPath Dow Jones-AIG Cocoa Total Return Sub-IndexSM ETN | TalkMarkets | Page 1
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$NIB (Retired)

A Top In The Price Of Cocoa
Michael Molman 4/8/2018 5:22:44 PM

I have been bullish on #cocoa since January and made a nice bundle since then. However I have grown concerned that the current surge in price has been propped up by speculators and momentum following. With that I agree with your assessment that cocoa and $NIB has topped out.

Cocoa Prices Hit 3 Month Highs
Alexa Graham 2/21/2018 1:49:47 PM

Yes, thanks to you both I've started watching #cocoa. Bullish on $NIB, $CHOC

A New Breakout For Cocoa
Michael Molman 2/5/2018 10:15:26 PM

I am currently long $NIB, since I am very bullish on cocoa. Let me know what you think of my article on cocoa.www.talkmarkets.com/.../cocoa-a-huge-opportunity-people-shouldnt-ignore

Cocoa, A Huge Opportunity People Shouldn't Ignore
Bill Myers 2/5/2018 4:54:41 PM

#ClimateChange is having an adverse impact on the #cocoa crops and it will only get worse. But a genetically engineered solution could change everything. $NIB

Trading Cocoa: A Fresh Price Collapse Amid Conflicting Narratives
Michael Molman 12/11/2017 3:19:56 AM

Thanks for all the information, I have been closely following the cocoa market over the last few weeks. The global surplus clearly is diminishing next year and weather experts say La Nina typically brings heavy rain to West Africa which should support cocoa prices. Personally I believe $NIB will test its all time lows but will not head any lower, the long term decline in cocoa has bottomed out. I look forward to buying in!

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